Trips which I organized for Club Traveller:

Trips organized in 2003

29th March — From Prosečnice over Panská skála to Týnec nad Sázavou

12th April — Trip on Černolické rocks

12th – 19th July — Summer holiday in Bedřichov

16th August — From Okoř throughout Tiché údolí valley to Roztoky

13th September — Through Tiché údolí valley to Roztoky and then to Levý Hradec

15th November — The visit of Karel Čapek house in Stará Huť u Dobříše

Trips organized in 2004

31st January — Througout Divoká Šárka through Kozí hřbety to Roztoky (walk)

21st February — Trip on Plešivec

28th FebruaryCross-country skiing trip to Jizerka

7th – 12th May — Journey to Passau and Regensburg

22nd MayTrip to Tábor and Bechyně

12th June — Trip on bikes to Konopiště

10th July — Towards the mystery of Saint Maurus (trip by train to Bečov nad Teplou and Mariánské lázně)

7th August — From Pikovice to Nová Živohošť (walk)
11th September — From Beroun to Dobříš (cycling)

10th October — Traditional trip througout Divoká Šárka through Kozí hřbety to Roztoky u Prahy (walk)

16th October — From Dobříš to Mníšek pod Brdy (walk) - at the end of the walk we get wet because of heavy rain and dried out in confectionery "Meruňka" ("Apricot") in Mníšek pod Brdy

28th October — Trip to Voděradské beech wood through Ondřejov to Senohraby (walk)

6th November — Traditional trip from Prosečnice through Panská skála and Zbořený Kostelec to Týnec nad Sázavou (walk)

13th November — The visit of observatory in Ondřejov during Open Doors Days (walk)

4th December — From Psáry towards hotel René, then through Kostelec u Křížku and Hornopožárský Forest to Borek u Prahy (walk)

Some of the trips organized in 2005

15th January — Trip to Prokopské údolí (walk)

23rd January — Throughout Divoká Šárka natural park over Dívčí skok to Červený vrch (walk)

30th January — From Jince over Křižatky and Kuchyňka to Dobříš (trip on cross-country skis - 25 km)

13th February — From Komořany over Šance to Zbraslav and backwards by train to Praha (walk)

20th February — Trip on cross-country skis in Jizerské hory


Other trips, which I organized not only for Club Traveller or I just participated on them

27th December 2007Trip on cross-country skis to Jizerka — organized for Branik's protestant church

4th October 2008 — Českobrodská padesátka (Českobrodská 50km tramp)

14th February 2009 — From Lochovice on Plešivec and then to Rejkovice and back to Lochovice

21th February 2009 — Trip on cross-country skis from Bedřichov to Josefův Důl — organized for Branik's protestant church

14th March 2009 — From Krymlov to Sázava

19th April 2009 — Photographic walk to Průhonický park in spring

2nd May 2009 — From Kouřim to Kostelec nad Černými lesy

27th June 2009 — From Krušovice to Rakovník

14th August 2009 — From Louňovice pod Blaníkem to Vlašim

6th September 2009 — From Ploskovice to castle and then to Křešice u Litoměřic

12th September 2009 — European Heritage Days in Prague (walk)

3rd October 2009 — Trip to Libice nad Cidlinou and Poděbrady

30th January 2010 — Trip on cross-country skis to Jizerské hory — organized for Branik's protestant church, Mazný family and Kamil Skuhra participated on this trip

29th January 2011 — Trip on cross-country skis from Kořenov to Jizerka and then over Vlašský range to Kořenov — organized for the fifth time for Branik's protestant church, me, Michal Mazný and Kamil Skuhra participated on this trip

19th February 2011 — From Rakovník-Šamotka to Krušovice (walk)

5th March 2011 — Trip from Bedřichov to Janov nad Nisou (walk)

7th May 2011 — Trip to Velký Blaník and to Vlašim (walk)

20th August 2011 — Trip to Drábské světničky and to castle Kost (walk)

28th September 2011 — Trip to mountain Sedlo (walk) - organized for Branik's protestant church, look at the altitude profile, please.

Trips in year 2011photogallery

Trips in year 2012photogallery

Trips in year 2013photogallery

Trips in year 2014photogallery

Trips in year 2015photogallery

Trips in year 2016photogallery

Trips in year 2017photogallery

Trips in year 2018photogallery

Trips in year 2019photogallery

Trips in year 2020photogallery

Trips in year 2021photogallery

Trips in year 2022photogallery

Trips in year 2023photogallery

Trips in year 2024photogallery

Except this I participate on various events dedicated to children organized usually by Czech-brethren church in Prague 4 - Nusle or in Prague 4 - Braník.

7th June 2008Children day in Dobříš

1st May 2009 — Garden party by Slabých in Černíky

Jizerské Mountains on cross-country skisphotogallery of all years

Other links:

From my photos from my walks and journeys to various places of our country I created virtual gallery dedicated to natural beauties of our mountains and also to famous and less known architectural monuments.

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